September 17, 2019

How Does Your Home Feel to You?

How Does Your Home Feel?

When you hear the question of how does your home feel what do you think? Home is where the heart is. How many times have you heard that phrase? How you feel in your personal space is far more important than what others think of your house (or you for that matter). The good news is that you don’t have to organize your entire world just to feel good in your home. Start in a small space such as a drawer and build from there. Once you do the drawer, keep working on the room that you are in but in small sections. Keep working in that room until you complete it. This will create a wonderful sense of accomplishment.

Tell your inner perfectionist to take a nap. It is time to try this 20-minute game to create a shift in your home…right now. Check out this short 3-minute video about how you can transform your space today and open the channels for the organization in every area of your life. Have you checked out my last article about what I really think when I see clutter? Click here to check it out!

So how does your home feel now?


  1. Caril valdez September 17, 2019 at 4:29 pm - Reply

    You are always so inspiring and motivating Star! I live reading your posts.

    • Star Hansen September 18, 2019 at 11:03 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much Carol!! I hope this finds you doing well. :-)

  2. Susan Eisinger September 18, 2019 at 12:07 am - Reply

    Love love love your video!
    I hopped up and went outside and walked away from my front door so I could start down by the curb and walk down the welcoming walkway that leads to my front door. As I was approaching my black iron arched double doors with glass and decorative iron inlay, I noticed how clean my doors were and how clear and clean the glass was and how someone would be welcomed with two matching Autumn wreaths, one hung on each door. Someone would be standing on a large decorative black welcome mat with two large Tuscan style light fixtures flanking the front doors which are also shiny clean. I’ve always felt like the front door area is like the preamble to what you might see inside so I’ve always taken pride in my well manicured lawn, flower beds, trimmed trees and exterior windows.
    If you walked in my front door you did say a brightly-lit foyer with beautiful travertine floors, 20 foot ceilings, lots of natural light, beautiful furniture, and a large vase of flowers. I always leave a beautiful scented candle burning on my entry foyer table so that whoever comes in at smells lovely in my home. My home is clean and tidy, organized and welcoming. May sounds perfect but I still have some works in progress areas that I haven’t perfected yet like one side of my garage and my master closet which I’m adding more lower shelves so I can display My Shoes and handbags and until that gets finished up by the carpenter it’s in some disarray.
    I’ve only been in this home a few months but it always gives me a positive, uplifting, happy and peaceful feeling when I walk through the door.
    The home that I moved from which I am presently breaking down and having some cosmetic work done preparing it for sale does not give me any of those same wonderful feelings as it is in need of cleaning, is very disorganized, is full of boxes and lots of things that need to be donated, sold in a garage sale, or thrown out. Definitely still working on getting that one completed and what a difference it feels like walking in the door of that home.
    Do you plan to ever come to San Antonio Texas to conduct a workshop or educational presentation???

    • Star Hansen September 18, 2019 at 11:03 pm - Reply

      Wow, what an incredible description Susan! Sounds like your place is such a warm, inviting space. I’m so glad that you have created such a haven for yourself. I can see it now in my mind! I don’t have any plans to be in the San Antonio area anytime soon but I will let you know if I find myself there or in Austin. It would be wonderful to meet you after all these years!

  3. SUSAN September 18, 2019 at 12:10 am - Reply

    Sure wish I would have proof read my last message because I was using voice activated texting and some of the words didn’t come out quite right LOL

    • Star Hansen September 18, 2019 at 11:05 pm - Reply

      I hear you! I only took away the beautiful message that was in your words. I had my own #human moment this week when I sent out this week’s newsletter with last week’s title. Urg! Well there is growth in the imperfection. :-)

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