April 2, 2024

Building Wealth at Home

Building Wealth at Home: Creating Abundance Zones for Financial Stability

Where’s the abundance center of your home?

This month in the Chaos to Calm Community, we’re focusing on the office…but we’re moving far beyond piles of paper and your email inbox.

Every area of our homes connects to an area of our lives. The office is the center of purpose, career, and financial abundance. But I really want to focus on one important aspect—Abundance.💰

In the last few years, many of us have been knocked around financially. You may have lost income, had to change jobs, were unable to work the way you had previously (and had to pivot), or perhaps the cost of living has skyrocketed beyond your earnings.

These have been challenging times. And many of us are still trying to regain stability.

If you’re in this position, know you’re not alone. It can feel hard to keep moving forward when the deck feels stacked against us.

Not having our financial needs met can throw us into a state of survival. It’s hard to let go of things because we “might need them one day.” This can be a baseless fear, but it might actually be a factor to consider (as we’ve seen in the past few years).

If you’re struggling to get organized because you think you need to get rid of things in order to organize, but you’re scared to let go of things because of financial scarcity, please know this…

It’s ok to hold onto things in order to feel secure, safe, and like your needs are met.

It’s more important to create a sense of safety and stability in your life than to have the most organized house on the block. And when you feel safe and stable financially it will feel so much better (and easier) to release things and get organized.

In the meantime, don’t underestimate the power of creating manifestation zones in your home. Instead of paring down, try creating. Find a place in your home that you can turn into an Abundance Zone. This can be a wall, an empty bookshelf (move those books into a box in the garage), a TV tray in the corner of your living room…anywhere.

Once you’ve chosen a place, fill your Abundance Zone with anything that makes you feel abundant and secure. This might be images from a magazine, décor accents, photos, or even a wish list of things you want to create in your life.

Spend a little time every day in this space, visualizing more abundance in your life. It may seem like a small, silly thing to do…but your brain is a powerful conductor.

You create what you think about (and feel about).

Sometimes the resistance in our lives is telling us we need to slow down and do something different. Don’t believe the narrative that you “should” do things a certain way. There are chapters of our lives where we need to be a little gentler with ourselves.

If getting rid of things doesn’t feel good right now, that’s ok.

There’s more than one way to transform the spaces of your home and life. Sometimes building is more powerful than releasing.

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