May 4, 2020

Transform your coping mechanisms and set yourself free!

I’m breaking up with ice cream!

I mean it. Ice cream & I used to have an understanding. I would feel anxious, I would eat it, and then I would feel comforted. But lately, it just isn’t doing its job.

I don’t know about you but the coping mechanisms that usually help me take my mind off my stress and anxiety just aren’t working these days. Whether you medicate with food, shopping, TV, sex, cleaning, or playing video games… I think the length of time of this pandemic and the uncertainty of the future has put us into a unique moment in life. We have infinite time to give ourselves these old “medicators” and they just aren’t working anymore.

The old methods of avoiding our pain just aren’t doing the job. This time period is too long and the anxiety is too strong.

So what do you do when your old coping mechanisms don’t work anymore?

Change strategies and adopt new processes that will actually serve your highest good and help you experience life in a new and healthier way.

I think this moment in time carries with it an incredible gift that can help us transform our lives and meet our own needs in powerful and lasting ways.

Check out this short video to learn how to turn your old coping mechanisms into powerful tools for meeting your needs and creating a solid foundation within you. Using coping mechanisms to avoid pain is perfectly understandable, but it isn’t your only option. You deserve to have choices in your life and how you manage the feelings and stress that pop up in your life. And the bonus is that the more you nurture and care for yourself, the less clutter will be created around your life, mind, and home.

Take a few deep breaths and explore transforming your stress into caring and not chaos. I’m with you. You don’t have to do this alone.

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