October 26, 2021

It’s Not Your Job to Feel Guilty

It’s not your job to feel ashamed or guilty when they don’t understand you.

It’s your job to understand you and to advocate for who you are and what you need.

Your clutter, your ADHD diagnosis, your incomplete task lists, your goal weight, that extra glass of wine at night…whatever you’re struggling to figure out in your life…are all your business and your business alone.

Everyone else has their own list they’re working through.

And them raining on your efforts will not help them do it.

It’s time to remember that you have a choice. To stand in their rain shower and believe them, or to grab an umbrella and shield yourself.

Someone else’s opinion doesn’t make your struggle or wins less real. You deserve to be cheered on for every step you take, even the ones that look like a step backward.

You’re here. You’re showing up. That’s enough.

Instead of going to “the hardware store for milk,” surround yourself with people who see you. Who celebrate your efforts, regardless of the outcome. Those who will advocate for you when you find it hard to see the good in yourself.

That is where the magic lies.

So, open your mail today…or don’t. Remember to close the cabinet doors…or don’t. Have that cookie, or choose a carrot instead. It doesn’t actually matter.

These daily actions aren’t the sum of your worth. You determine your worth. You are lovable in every moment, the good and the bad. You deserve to have patience for yourself on this long, winding road we call life.

It’s not your job to feel ashamed or guilty when they don’t understand you.

It’s your job to understand you and to advocate for who you are and what you need.

And I’m here for it…cheering you on from afar and remembering the truth of who you are until you realize it so strongly that you don’t need the reminder anymore.

And I’m not going anywhere.

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