November 20, 2023

Discover the Power of Saying ‘No’ this Holiday Season

This week, I got a call from an old friend whom I haven’t talked to in forever.

They asked me to come to their annual holiday party and without even a thought, I blurted out yes. (My Inner People Pleaser is totally my gatekeeper. #thestruggleisreal)

The minute I said yes, I instantly regretted it. Why? Not because it wouldn’t be fun. Or because I didn’t like the person.

But because I didn’t give myself a chance to actually think about what I wanted.

Do I want to go to a party with a giant group of friends from 20+ years ago whom I rarely speak to anymore? Do I have time for additional social events?

If I’m honest…on top of seeing all my family, doing last-minute shopping, cooking, and (hopefully) taking a little time to rest…I really don’t.

At least, not if I want to feel peaceful at the end of my trip.

And it got me thinking about the ways that we charge into the holiday season and either go along with the chaos. Or stick with the status quo, without asking ourselves if we want to make any changes this year.

As we gear up for the holiday season, it’s so easy to get caught in the whirlwind of holiday chaos – socializing, shopping, the endless to-do lists, and the feeling of needing to keep up with it all.

It’s something I’ve witnessed closely as a professional organizer (and still experience myself).

It’s up to us to decide what kind of holiday season we create for ourselves.

Just because the world is racing around with their hair on fire, doesn’t mean we have to. And just because we’ve always done something, doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it.

You get to choose the kind of holiday season YOU want to experience this year.

I know it’s not always easy to think about what you need first…but when it comes to the holidays, I highly recommend taking a moment to think about what you truly want and need this year.

I created a quick YouTube video to chat more about this. Take a peek if you feel like you need a little extra support this holiday season. In the video, I share some tips and insights that can help you navigate the holiday season with ease.

The topic of reclaiming your holiday season is an important one to me.

It’s something we talk a lot about next month in the Chaos to Calm Community, as we explore creating Holiday Harmony.

I believe that the holiday season should be a time of joy, love, and connection.

And that it’s essential to take the pressure off ourselves and make it uniquely ours.

Start today by choosing one thing you can say no to this holiday season.

One thing that you know you don’t want to do but haven’t given yourself permission to say no to, yet.

I’m going to call that friend back and let them know that I need a little extra downtime this trip. No excuses. No big drama. Just truth. And reclaiming a little bit of peace for myself.

I hope you do the same. I’ll be cheering you on from afar!

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