March 5, 2024

Decoding Clothing Clutter Your Messy Closet’s Surprising Message

As an organizer, we have a high bar set for us. People come to my house, on the lookout for clutter and/or proof that I actually practice what I preach.

Because I organize for a living, it’s expected that I will be a tightly wound minimalist who keeps only what I need and never has a scrap of clutter in my house.

But that just isn’t the case. We organizers are human…just like anyone else.

I talk a lot about how clutter is an external demonstration of our inner storms. The clutter is not proof of laziness or even a lack of insight. Often, the clutter indicates something in our lives that we are trying to figure out or make peace with.

Sometimes we hold onto excess things because we’re not quite sure who we are in this area of our lives. Or we’re in some sort of transition. Or we’re doing some healing work around this part of ourselves.

Each room in our home supports (and/or showcases) an area of our lives. Knowing what the rooms of your home represent can help you understand what area of life you’re working through.

This month in the Chaos to Calm Community, we’re organizing the Clothing Closet.  And this room happens to be my own personal Room of Doom.  👻 

My collection of clothes that I can’t fit into anymore is quite impressive…and more than a bit embarrassing. And in spite of the pressure to “keep only what currently fits,” I just can’t force myself to do it.

There’s something bigger going on that I need to solve.

The Clothing Closet is one of the most important (and emotionally charged) rooms in our home. It’s the center for personal identity and self-expression. It can also tie into our relationship with our bodies.

Society tells us that an overflowing closet is wasteful and that we should get rid of anything that doesn’t fit us today.

But what if there is something bigger going on?

…something that is stopping you from making progress in purging the excess clothes and organizing your clothing closet. Here’s the truth…

When we have an overflowing Clothing Closet, it’s often telling us that we’re re-inventing ourselves in some way. That we’re re-imagining our lives and where we’re going in our lives.

That’s not lazy, that’s powerful. The clutter in your Clothing Closet is helping to move you towards the person you’ve always wanted to be. It’s not an obstacle, it’s a helper.

If you want to learn more, check out this video I created about the Clothing Closet:

Decoding Clothing Clutter YT Thumbnail

Your Clothing Closet clutter is a sign that you’re evolving in powerful ways.

If you resonate with this, comment below and tell me one way your clothing clutter is inviting you to step into who you are truly meant to be.

So happy to be a part of your journey!

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