June 9, 2020

Coping With Grief: Honoring Anniversaries of a Loss

Do you have a day that marks when you lost someone important to you? Yep, me too. For me, June is the time of year when I face some pretty painful anniversaries of losing people that I love.

Time doesn’t always “heal all”… or at least not as fast as I want it to be healed. Sometimes instead of trying to fix or “get over” a major loss, we have to learn how to live with it. Navigating those challenging moments in life can be difficult, but in time we learn how not just to survive the painful moments of loss but to actually heal more deeply than we thought was possible.

Check out this short video about how I navigate some of my most painful anniversaries and ways I’ve learned to honor both the loss and the person I’m in the process of becoming.

Love and acceptance is always the answer, especially to the most messy, overwhelming, challenging moments. Loss doesn’t have to define us, we just have to learn to live alongside it.

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