Holiday Organizing

Top Reasons to Sell Your Stuff

Top Reasons to Sell Your Stuff To sell, or not to sell. That is the question… You want your stuff to go to the right home. You want to find someone who will love your [...]

Navigating Chaos: Simple Steps to Organize without Overwhelm

Navigating Chaos: Simple Steps to Organize without Overwhelm. Last week, I had a client who had a bit of a "planning problem" when we were tackling her attic. Picture this: we had everything pulled out [...]

Unleashing Nature’s Wisdom for Goal Setting

Redefining Resolutions: Unleashing Nature's Wisdom for Goal Setting You know that feeling when you stumble upon a new approach and it just clicks? That's how I feel about goal setting this year. And I couldn't [...]

Unearth Treasures in Your Clutter!

Unearth Treasures in Your Clutter! Ready for a reframe? What if I told you that it’s time for a different approach to your clutter? One that makes the organizing process feel a bit less like [...]

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