Organizing Obstacle #3 – You’re Afraid Someone Will Take Your Stuff if it’s Too Organized
They let themselves in through the wooden side gate. They walked past the kid’s bicycles laying on the grass and broke the sliding glass door. 10 minutes was all it took for them to grab [...]
Organizing Obstacle #2 – You Hate Waste
Do you have a stash of ketchup packets in your kitchen? I’m organizing a client’s fridge today. On the door, they have a giant stash of ketchup packets, dressing from bagged salad, and chili pepper [...]
Organizing Obstacle #1 – You’re Too Overwhelmed to Start
I've seen it a thousand times... You’re ready to get organized. You’re done living in chaos. You’re done shuffling things from one room to the other. You resolve that this time is going to be [...]
Coping With Grief: Honoring Anniversaries of a Loss
Do you have a day that marks when you lost someone important to you? Yep, me too. For me, June is the time of year when I face some pretty painful anniversaries of losing [...]
I’m Taking a Stand Because I Love You
The last few weeks have shaken this world to its core. First, I want to say to my BIPOC friends… I’m sorry. You are loved. I stand with you. I am here for you. I [...]
Email Overwhelm Relief with One Simple Step
I opened my email to respond to a client about their garage clutter taking over their hallway. Before I could even click the message, I saw that Sephora was having a huge Memorial Day Sale. [...]