November 5, 2019

Paring Down For a Fresh Start

It’s time for me to Pare Down for a Fresh Start!

Have you ever been somewhere that felt so much like home that you forgot about every other place you ever lived?  Somewhere that felt so magical that even when you were away from that place, you could feel it calling to you in the distance?

That is what Santa Fe is for me. 

When I’m there, the entire world rises to support me.  I feel held by the Universe, and like angels are moving to support my every step.  It’s an incredible feeling.  I’ve been thinking about moving there for 3 years now, and finally this summer I got the confirmation I was waiting for.  This winter I’m leaving California, the state I’ve called home since 2002, and heading to the desert.  I’ve moved dozens of times.  Moving doesn’t scare me, it thrills me.  But this move carries with it a new kind of excitement.

In this short video below I share a deeper dive behind the scenes of getting ready for the move by Paring Down For a Fresh Start.


For the first time, I’m moving for my own well-being and spiritual fulfillment. I will be paring down for a fresh start!

I’ve moved for school, jobs, love, loss, and convenience.  But I’ve never moved simply because my soul craved it, and because I knew it would give me the kind of nourishment I’ve been seeking.  This winter I am making that move, and I couldn’t be happier.

Is there somewhere in the world that feels to you the way that Santa Fe feels to me? For more videos tips like this go to my youtube channel CLICK HERE

I would love to hear from you! Share in the comments below where your Santa Fe is for you!


  1. SUSAN November 6, 2019 at 5:08 am - Reply

    I’m so proud of you for deciding to make the move to Santa Fe.
    What could possibly be better than making a move like this for no other reason than oneself, nothing! You are a brave young woman and I so admire you for having the courage to make such a move and for leaving most everything behind to start anew, I truly wish I had that kind of courage. It took me eight years just to move out of the home Jack and I shared after he died. I let myself be paralyzed and not move forward for all those years and I still have so far to go.
    You’re taking this leap and are welcoming it with open arms and I respect and admire you so much for it. It sounds like it’s going to be the best place you’ve ever been in your life literally and figuratively and I am so excited for you!
    I truly believe in my heart that you are going to thrive in every way when you get to your new life destination. It’s as if I can see into your future and the best of yourself is going to be discovered once you settle in there. The beautiful part of this whole plan is that in this new place you will unveil the next chapters of your life. One thing I have learned over my 57 years of life is that life is ever-changing, nothing is for certain, there are always better times ahead of us, and if we allow God and the universe to lead us, we will discover so many blessings when we least expect them.
    I was one of those children that picked out her china, crystal, and silver in the 7th grade. I knew I wanted to graduate from college and have a great job after getting my degree. I was drawing pictures of my dream wedding gown when I was just a little girl. I knew what my home would look like after marrying, and I daydreamed of the prince charming that would come to my life one day. I thought about how many children I would have and how much I would enjoy being a mom and I saw my life all planned out in front of me but I never did think that after finding those things, life with the man of my dreams would end suddenly one Wednesday afternoon after he had a brain aneurysm.
    My point is that nothing is for certain in this life and the only way we have a chance of ever truly live our true and authentic life is to take risks and chances for personal growth. You are doing that with this move and it is going to open up a hole new Life Journey for you. I can’t wait just see all the beautiful things you will
    draw toward yourself just by being you once you get there.

    • Star Hansen November 7, 2019 at 4:06 pm - Reply

      Susan, thank you for your loving and heart-felt words. You have moved my heart with your kindness and love. You have such beautiful insight and I am beyond grateful to have your generous kindness. I will carry you with me as I make this move, knowing that your wisdom and love will make me stronger and more capable of all that is ahead of me. Thank you for the beautiful gift of your presence in this world. I am so very appreciative of you!!! Lots of love!

  2. Cindy King November 12, 2019 at 11:30 pm - Reply

    Welcome to the Land of Enchantment Star! And our famous state question…Red or Green? Or both?! Blessings on your move, thank you for your Vlogs, newsletters and great advice…now if I can just implement what your voice “whispers” to my soul…I know I need to “just start” somewhere… it’s just all so overwhelming for me! Please let me know if you’re ever in “Billy the Kid” country & come see me at The Friends Gift Shop (closed Mon & Tues) at The Bosque Redondo Memorial in Fort Sumner, NM!

    • Star Hansen November 14, 2019 at 2:28 am - Reply

      Hi Cindy! Thank you so much!! I’m a green girl all the way (though I went full Christmas the first few trips to make sure I was being fair to the red also ;-). I will definitely let you know if I’m in your neck of the woods. Thank you for the warm, kind welcome. So happy to have you here and to get to connect with you!!!

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