Grief is the Gateway to Action
Why grieving is sometimes the most important action you can take during disasters
LA was my home for 10 years. It was the first place I felt called to move to as an adult. It’s the city where I met some of my best friends. It’s where I started my organizing business.
As the city has burned this past week, I’ve been watching in shock. It’s heartbreaking to watch something you love disappear.
I have friends who have lost their homes and many who are displaced. I’ve been doing what I can to support them from afar, but it never feels like enough.
As an organizer, I feel pressure to share tips about what to pack in your bug out bags. Or about what constitutes appropriate donations. But I won’t.
There are plenty of people in the space who are more knowledgeable about this and who are doing a far better job than I could.
Instead, I’m watching. Watching for actions I can take to support those who are struggling.
I’ve made calls for friends, shared resources, donated money, looked for housing, and grieved.
Because I know that when our grief is not honored, we tend to fill our lives (and spaces) with chaos to avoid feeling uncomfortable feelings.
So, if you’re watching from afar (or from close up) the devastating tragedies happening in Los Angeles, North Carolina, Gaza, or any of the many places that have unthinkable tragedies occurring…please know that your grief matters.
And honoring it won’t make you selfish or become stuck in sadness forever.
Grief is the gateway to action.
The chaos of this world is not slowing down or stopping anytime soon.
These tragedies affect us all. Your grief deserves to be felt. And you can give better from a full cup.
Honoring your painful feelings is a way of filling up your cup so you can be of service when you’re called to action.
Honor your grief and take action when it feels right for you.
Even the smallest action can make a big impact.
Hug your loved ones. Snuggle your furry babies. And look at your clutter with gratitude today, knowing that it’s a blessing to be surrounded with stuff.
We’ll keep working on the clutter together. But for today, it’s ok to just take a breath and just be.