Museum-Worthy or Just Sentimental?
Museum-Worthy or Just Sentimental? How to Determine the Real Value of Your Stuff Think your stuff belongs in a museum? This weekend I went to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in San Francisco. They [...]
Museum-Worthy or Just Sentimental? How to Determine the Real Value of Your Stuff Think your stuff belongs in a museum? This weekend I went to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in San Francisco. They [...]
Travel Tips: How to Unpack Like a Pro Unpacking quickly and easily after your next trip Just got back from a road trip with one of my besties. It was one of my favorite trips [...]
Organizing Projects to make Back-to-School time easier than ever As summer winds down, it’s time to get ready to send the kids back to school. ✏️🍎💻 One of the best things you can do for yourself when it [...]
Tips for keeping your home organized when kids are home from school on summer break When I was a kid, I thought that being home from school was the best. However, as an adult, school [...]
Top Reasons to Sell Your Stuff To sell, or not to sell. That is the question… You want your stuff to go to the right home. You want to find someone who will love your [...]
CLUTTER SPEAKS This is something I’ve said over and over again… in my TEDx talk, my Chaos to Calm classes, in my keynote speeches, on TV shows… If I could shout it from the rooftops, [...]
How our quest for beauty leads to clutter. What makes you feel beautiful? Sometimes the clutter in our lives (especially in the bathroom and clothing closet) reflects our desire to feel beautiful. This tendency to [...]
Dealing with Loss and Damage While Organizing Grace’s Dad passed away two years ago. As the family historian, she found herself in charge of organizing and distributing all of his stuff. She brought 20 large [...]
Let's talk about the unsung heroes of our homes…our storage spaces. These workhorse spaces are all over our homes. They’re our garages, attics, closets, cupboards, and even our car trunk – all the places where [...]
Your Guide to Stress-Free Home Organization This week, I’m listening to Atomic Habits by James Clear. In it, he says: Fall in love with the process, not the outcome. When it comes to clutter, I [...]