Building Wealth at Home
Building Wealth at Home: Creating Abundance Zones for Financial Stability Where’s the abundance center of your home? This month in the Chaos to Calm Community, we’re focusing on the office…but we’re moving far beyond piles [...]
Closet Confidence
Closet Confidence: Navigating Size Choices for a Streamlined and Organized Wardrobe I don’t know about you, but I need some new clothes. 👚 I’ve been wearing the same old ragged cozy clothes (stained sweats) for [...]
Spring Equinox My Unexpected Secret to Success
Spring Equinox My Unexpected Secret to Success “How did you get all of that done in just three months?” Tracy asked me after I shared my experience of accomplishing a whole year’s worth of goals [...]
Helpful Tools for Normalizing Our Clutter
Helpful Tools for Normalizing Our Clutter “I think it’s probably the worst you’ve ever seen,” Ada said while digging through the boxes of paper in her storage unit. Joy said, “I keep watching Hoarders. It’s [...]
Decoding Clothing Clutter Your Messy Closet’s Surprising Message
As an organizer, we have a high bar set for us. People come to my house, on the lookout for clutter and/or proof that I actually practice what I preach. Because I organize for a [...]
Letting Your True Self Shine Decluttering to Thrive and Grow
Letting Your True Self Shine Decluttering to Thrive and Grow Over the last few months, I’ve been working through an intense lesson. The lesson of not trying to manage how other people perceive me. This [...]