March 25, 2025

20-Minute Closet Cleanup

20-Minute Closet Cleanup 

I just moved into my new place (more on that soon) and I’m so excited to have a walk-in closet again. But this morning I opened the door and wanted to run screaming. 🏃

How in the world do I have so many clothes????

No matter how many times I’ve purged and organized, it feels like I always have more than I need.

I want to do a huge closet overhaul but if I’m honest, I’m just too tired to take on another big project after moving. It’s time to come up with a creative solution. 🤔

Enter the 20-Minute Closet Purge!

Instead of feeling like you need to create a Pinterest worthy closet, it’s ok to do a mini project to feel a sense of relief.

And as short as 20 minutes sounds, you really can make a big impact in just a few minutes. No stress. No all-day commitment. Just a quick, satisfying closet cleanse that will make your mornings (and your wardrobe) feel lighter.

Why 20 Minutes? Because 20 minutes is doable! You don’t need to overhaul your entire wardrobe in one go. In 20 minutes, you can clear out the obvious stuff—the things you don’t wear, don’t love or don’t even know why you own.

Here are a few things you can purge in your closet in 20 minutes or less:

1. Items that are Ripped, Stained, or Past Their Prime 🚫

Stained, ripped, stretched-out, or just plain tragic? If it’s past its prime, it’s time to let it go.

2. Clothes That Make You Cringe 🤢

If you try something on and immediately want to rip it off, it does not need to be in your closet. Say goodbye to itchy, stiff, or uncomfortable pieces.

3. Things That Don’t Fit 🔄

Too big, too small, or just not right? Keeping them “just in case” only clutters your space and adds stress. Your closet should serve you—not a fantasy version of you.

4. That One Item You Never Wear 🤔

You know the one. The jacket you thought you’d love. The dress that almost works but never quite does. If you’ve skipped over it for months, set it free!

5. Clothes with Bad Memories 😞

Breakup dress? Fired-from-that-job blazer? If it holds negative energy, it doesn’t belong in your happy, stress-free closet.

6. Shoes That Are Basically Torture Devices 👠

If you have to mentally prepare yourself before putting them on, let them go. Life’s too short for painful shoes!

7. That Gift You Never Wanted 🎁

Someone gave it to you, but you never wear it? You can appreciate their generosity and still let it go. Your closet should be filled with things you love, not guilt over things you don’t wear or enjoy.

Want to join me for your own clothing closet purge? Grab a donation bag (pro tip: keep one in your closet at all times), set a timer, and let’s go!

An organized clothing closet is closer than you think.

The Secret? Start small.

👉 What’s the first thing you’re purging? Tell me in the comments—I want to hear!

Remember, you don’t have to organize your whole closet. Just do 20 minutes and see what happens. The goal isn’t perfection—it’s progress.

And who knows? Once you get rolling, you might not even want to stop!

So, grab a bag for donations, set a timer, and give your closet a little breathing room. You (and your future self) will be so glad you did! 💖

So proud of you!

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